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restrictive covenant中文是什么意思

用"restrictive covenant"造句"restrictive covenant"怎么读"restrictive covenant" in a sentence


  • 限制贸易协定
  • 限制盟约
  • 限制性的约言
  • 限制性契诺
  • 限制性契约
  • 限制约款
  • 约束性规定


  • The result of the analysis of the model in this article shows , the commercial banks of china would face the dilemma hi the design of restrictive covenants of consumption credit after the period of the rapid increase of consumer loans under the condition of the restrictive interest rate of consumer loans
用"restrictive covenant"造句  


A restrictive covenant is a type of real covenant, a legal obligation imposed in a deed by the seller upon the buyer of real estate to do or not to do something. Such restrictions frequently "run with the land" and are enforceable on subsequent buyers of the property.
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